A Very Frenchy Erwin Pawn Trade-A-Thon
Your weekly installment of want ads on the radio came with a French twist last Saturday.
Around News Talk 940, Saturday mornings were made for bringing buyers and sellers together. It's the classifieds, called in by listeners like you. It happens from nine to noon.
We like to ask a poll question of all our callers before they give their listing. It provides a running theme that ties our calls together and helps us get to know them a little better.
We ask a lot of food questions on the show. Its probably because we are usually hungry. This week we wanted to know what was your preference between two French standards.
What is you preference, French toast or French fries?
Toast 19
Fries 17
While you may say the two are so unrelated they don't belong in the same poll, I believe that is exactly why they should be considered together. I prefer the fries, the toast has never struck my palate in a pleasing manner.
We have rules on the show and we go over those at the beginning of each hour. Along with the regular five rules I always bring you a special Rule #6 that changes every week.
Sometimes inspired by something that happened to me over the previous week, this week I was inspired by the torrential rains we got on Friday. It seemed like a good time to remind you not to enter water covering roads, you might get swept away.
Rule #6 Turn around, don't drown.
See you next Saturday for another Erwin Pawn Trade-A-Thon!