The Senior Ambassadors Coalition presents the Senior Fall Festival. This event is for senior citizens looking for more information on their health, funeral planning, assisted living, medicare and more. It's an event for seniors and caregivers.
The class of 2014 is about to exit an almost decade long of schooling, growing from being little five year old pre-kindergartners to young adults.With the end of school coming in closer and closer however, many will be tempted to take a while before they enter college. This is a list of things that every graduating senior needs to do before they go to college after their break.
We’d like to introduce you to the world’s most adorable best friends -- Joseph Katz and Al Spiegel from Florida. They have been buds for 91 years, and they’re still going strong!
While educational debt is generally thought to be the problem of younger people, new data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York reveals a startling fact: Americans ages 60 and over collectively owe $36 billion in student loans.
Many adults struggle with weight throughout their lifetime, but according to researchers those extra pounds could be beneficial to older adults.
Researchers from Tel Aviv University found that for the elderly excess weight serves as a protective component in your body that lowers the risk of death when compared to others with normal body weight.
While it’s generally assumed that our ability to think quickly diminishes as we age, a new study indicates that isn’t always so. In fact, the decision-making skills of older people can parallel even those of college students.