Whichever way you saw the Supreme Court's decision on Obama Care you have to admit the conservative Chief Justice siding with the liberal judges of the court was bigger news than the decision itself. Michael Savage is not pleased.
Michael Savage was at it again the other night. 'At it' being saying bombastic things that are too close to truth to be comfortable. He has a hard core take on Mitt Romney. He need to 'be Scott Walker'.
Evenings on The New 940 we visit 'The Savage Nation' with bombastic host and author, Michael Savage. He considers our president to be public enemy #1 and he's written a book about it.
Michael Savage on The New 940 KIXZ is always entertaining, often informative and occasionally bombastic. This is about one of those incredulously bombastic moments.
Not all of The New 940's children get along. In fact some of them have a pretty severe dislike for each other. Like Michael Savage. He just does not like Mark Levin.
Michael Savage is never timid. You can catch his brave show weekdays starting at 5pm on The New 940 KIXZ. Savage believes Romney is facing defeat for the same reason's McCain was defeated.
The Savage Nation is a lot of things but its biggest asset is it is polarizing. There are no fence riders listening to Michael Savage. He knows why your kids are idiots.
Prolific author and bombastic conservative talk show host Michael Savage has a new book out. It's called 'Trickle Down Tyranny' and the reviews are in.