You Should Never Ever Ever Ever Ever Headbutt a BusYou Should Never Ever Ever Ever Ever Headbutt a BusTaking the bus can be a real headache. This guy knows that all too well.Staff WriterStaff Writer
Barry Bonds’ Creepy Selfie With Willie Mays Will Give You the WilliesBarry Bonds’ Creepy Selfie With Willie Mays Will Give You the WilliesWhat's Barry Bonds been up to since retiring? Well, apparently, he's taken up freaking people out as a way to pass the time.Antenna StaffAntenna Staff
Man’s Overpriced Airport Bacon and Egg Sandwich Lacks Bacon, Egg and ValueMan’s Overpriced Airport Bacon and Egg Sandwich Lacks Bacon, Egg and ValuePaying a lot for a little when grabbing a bite to eat at an airport is nothing new, but this is ridiculous.Staff WriterStaff Writer
Siri Makes You Feel Like a Real ‘Zero’ for Asking This Strange QuestionSiri Makes You Feel Like a Real ‘Zero’ for Asking This Strange QuestionSiri has a little attitude problem.Staff WriterStaff Writer
Cubs Fan Holding Baby Makes Controversial Catch on Foul BallCubs Fan Holding Baby Makes Controversial Catch on Foul BallCall him baby Bartman.Antenna StaffAntenna Staff
Woman Learns Painful Lesson After Trying to Sit on Someone Else’s CarWoman Learns Painful Lesson After Trying to Sit on Someone Else’s CarLet this be a video to you rude people who sit on parked cars that don't belong to you. Cars are meant for driving not sitting. Emily SlapeEmily Slape
Competitive Filipino Divers Are (Really, Really) Terrible at DivingCompetitive Filipino Divers Are (Really, Really) Terrible at DivingIt's often said you can't appreciate how difficult something is until you see it done poorly. Case in point right here.Antenna StaffAntenna Staff
Shin Kicking Is the Painfully Agonizing Sport You Know You Wanna TryShin Kicking Is the Painfully Agonizing Sport You Know You Wanna TryThere’s boxing. There’s kickboxing. Now there's a sport with just plain ol' kicking.Antenna StaffAntenna Staff
Car Safety Demonstration Ends With Incredibly Ironic CrashCar Safety Demonstration Ends With Incredibly Ironic CrashCars have come a long way from the simple Model T. Apparently, they still have a way to go.Antenna StaffAntenna Staff
Fired Starbucks Manager Goes Bonkers at Customer Over a StrawFired Starbucks Manager Goes Bonkers at Customer Over a StrawOne Starbucks manager proved that she will most definitely not put up with any crap-uccino -- even if it costs her her job.Staff WriterStaff Writer