Coke Releasing New Flavor That's Been Around Since Early 1900sCoke Releasing New Flavor That's Been Around Since Early 1900sThe flavor first surfaced clear back in 1905. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Freezing Temps Are Here: Do NOT Leave These Items in Your Car During Texas’ Arctic BlastFreezing Temps Are Here: Do NOT Leave These Items in Your Car During Texas’ Arctic BlastWhen it comes to the freezing winter weather in Texas you shouldn't leave these items in your car. Lori CroffordLori Crofford
18 Discontinued Drinks We Sadly Said Goodbye to in 202418 Discontinued Drinks We Sadly Said Goodbye to in 2024Pour one out for these drinks because it appears they're all gone for good. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Coke Banks on Nostalgia Reviving Drink From 1930s in the U.S.Coke Banks on Nostalgia Reviving Drink From 1930s in the U.S.The drink made its original debut in Mexico in 1938 and will soon be more widely available in the U.S. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Coca-Cola Issues Massive Recall: Thousands of Drinks Mislabeled Coca-Cola Issues Massive Recall: Thousands of Drinks Mislabeled The drinks actually had sugar in them even though they were labeled "zero sugar."Rob CarrollRob Carroll
This Was the Drink of Early Texas Childhoods in the 80s and 90sThis Was the Drink of Early Texas Childhoods in the 80s and 90sWhen looking back at your childhood many remember the drinks they enjoyed growing up and this drink was a staple in many childhood memories. Lori CroffordLori Crofford
806 Health Tip: Caffeine is Good For You806 Health Tip: Caffeine is Good For YouDo you have to grab for that cup of coffee before you will be bearable? Is caffeine that important to your day? Melissa BartlettMelissa Bartlett
Amarillo Economic Corporation Seeking Tax Break For Coca-ColaAmarillo Economic Corporation Seeking Tax Break For Coca-ColaThe Amarillo Economic Development Corporation or the AEDC is seeking a tax break for the new Coca-Cola plant.James GJames G
Coca-Cola’s Super Bowl Commercial is Met with Both Patriotic and Racist ResponsesCoca-Cola’s Super Bowl Commercial is Met with Both Patriotic and Racist ResponsesSome have called it one of the most inspirational and patriotic commercials to air during the big game while others are saying it's anti-American, but we say that you should watch Coca-Cola's Super Bowl 2014 commercial and judge for yourself.Jon LedfordJon Ledford
10 Strange Coca-Cola Flavors From Around the World10 Strange Coca-Cola Flavors From Around the WorldWe have collected a few of the odder inventions brought to us by Coca-Cola. And we wonder if Dr. Pemberton rolls over in his grave.Kathy LandinKathy Landin