Here we are at the start of November which means it's time to think about Christmas shopping. You may think it's too early but I like to spread it out one paycheck at a time. It really does make it a lot easier on the bank account.
When you have kids or even, in my case, grandkids you know they need a lot of stuff. When my daughter was preparing for the birth of her first child she realized how much stuff this tiny baby was going to need.
As we are approaching the weekend we start looking for things to do to enjoy our time. I'm not against having a full calendar. I mean our calendars have been very thin over the past year. So overscheduling is not really a problem these days.
While it isn't nearly the full calendar we saw in 2019, and early 2020, it is nice to see that there are at least more events being planned for the civic center.
It has been a long time coming. It really has but for the first time in 2021 the Amarillo Bulls finally get to have a home game with fans in the stand. This is great news.