What's going on?
The Six State Capitals Dalhart, Texas Sits Nearer to than Austin
At the very least, and if we need to put some kind of silver lining on this, it's nice to see that Dalhart, Texas comes with so many possible vacation destinations.
When Can We Expect Fall Temperatures In Amarillo?
There seems to be a major disparity as to when fall is coming to Amarillo
Which Celebrities Would Texans Vote For? It's Not Who You Think.
Which celebrities would Texas pick for President? It's not the one person you just thought of. Matthew didn't even make the list.
Texas Politician Set To Propose School Starting In September
How much would a later school date start impact you and the kiddos?
Dasher Diary - An Attempt to Hit New Amarillo Goals
One of the things that DoorDash does for their delivery drivers is to offer a sort of rewards program. The former program was Top Dasher. You had to hit certain criteria to have access to the good stuff.
New Business Coming to Amarillo Will Save You Tons on Electronics and More
Get ready for a new store with a ton of savings in Amarillo.
Feeling Lucky: Texas Lottery Introduces Four New Scratch-Off Games
The Texas Lottery introduces 4 new scratch-offs
[Closed] If You Blinked You Missed This Party Place in Amarillo
Some businesses here in Amarillo make it and some don't. Some try really hard. They may move locations. They may run specials. They may try everything that they can and in the end, it is all the same. Another closed business in Amarillo.
Rushing Water Sweeps Kid Away, Through Fence in Viral Pool Video
The viral video shows the boy slice open the side of a swimming pool before he is sent flying by the rush of water.
Experts Predicting Stronger Than Usual Hurricane Season For Texas
Could all of us in Texas be dealing with more hurricane activity?