Recently a trip to the mall here in Amarillo was needed. There once was a time when we had two nearby. Now we are only left with Westgate Mall. As I approached one of the main mall entrances something caught my attention.

(See Update Below)

A newly posted sign. I had to stop and check it out. It really wasn't something I had expected to see. A sign regarding kids at Westgate Mall.

credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM
credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM

That led me to so many questions. First, what started that being an issue? Did something recently happen with a bunch of kids? I get it. You get a lot of kids together in one place and they can be a bit obnoxious. I also feel that hanging out at the mall was something kids did.

I remember being dropped off at the mall to shop and see friends. I always went with some money. So I was a paying customer. I never remember causing any issues. I shopped. I visited the food court. I was a normal teenager.

I also know I was guilty of dropping my daughter off to hang with her friends too. She never got into any trouble with the mall. I mean, I know she came home after making some really dumb purchases but that is what kids do. They buy dumb things. Here we are in the days that the mall is seeing less and less traffic you would think they wouldn't turn any paying customers away.

A sign like that could do just that. How are they planning on enforcing it? Are they planning on enforcing it? Is this sign just there so if there are any issues they can make the kids leave?

What happens if the under-eighteen kid is heading to work at the mall? Do they now need a parent to escort them? What is with all of this? We need to know. We reached out to Westgate Mall and have not heard back from them since this posting.

UPDATE: I went back by the mall over the weekend. I was out DoorDashing and had a delivery out there. Guess what? The signs are now down. They were up for a whole week. I drove by the other main entrances just to make sure. Nope, they are all gone. Maybe they decided that this was not a great move for the mall at all.

Amarillo Cursed Building - Westgate Mall

These are the many stores of Westgate Mall that have come and gone!

Gallery Credit: Lori Crofford